Sunday, April 28, 2013

The War on Bugs.. The Empire Strikes back...

Well it has happened.
Winter is over.
The bugs have attacked first and rekindled my hatred and begun our battle once more.

I had to remove a tick from Ricky.

Luckily, YW's told me all about my options. The #$%&# did NOT want to let go.
It took much screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth to get Ricky to hold still. And apparently dogs wont hold still for matches next to them either. Or Hydrogen peroxide to get the @#%#@%%@%@&@@&%# to let go.
So did these logical options work?
They did not.
Ricky does not believe in "still".
He believes in "hey mom why you rolling me? Play? Wait. What? *thrash claw kick* MooooOooooom!"
Like i said. Much gnashing of teeth.
So i had to get the intruder *explicative* tick off the hard way.
Grabbing it by the head with tweezers.
By this time the black @#$$@&@! was red full from his lunch of dog.
He did not want to let go.
Ricky is tasty.
And Ricky said "hey mom! Thrash! Ow! Lemme go!"
I screamed.
I am not proud of it.
I pulled that sucker off my dog with its head still attached to its body, the proper way. The difficult way.
Then i bathed both dogs.
Ricky has a bump near where it was so I am going to take him to the vet and see if that was a tick Ricky decided to remove himself.
But yeah.
And i flushed that @&$2%28@.
He is in tick hell now.
No ticks go to heaven.
Just dogs.


  1. Argh! This is the third time I'm writing a response, maybe k9 won't go psycho this time.
    Ticks are terrible and they should all die and go to tick hell. What a horrible time you had. I would have screamed too!
    I'm so glad green squirrel lives. He's tougher than I thought!

  2. He is certainly a lot tougher!
    His lifespan has outlasted ALL of Ricky's squeaky toys.
