Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I really appreciate Dahm.
He brings out a lot of good things in me and always encourages me to do things I don't always have the motivation for.
For instance, he tells me the other day I needed to get a keyboard so I could start playing piano again.
I hadn't even thought about that. But because of him I am searching piano teachers in Summerville so I could go after work.
He is really nice to people I don't like as much too. He has this "friend" who is kind of a jerk who I always give a hard time, but he watches out for him and makes sure he is ok. This guy's girlfriend broke up with him last night so he invites him to dinner at my house so his cruddy day might get better. Of course, I was ticked off because I needed to clean and I didn't get to, but Dahm is a good friend and we were having tacos anyway, so not too big of a deal. I do wish that all of his nice friends weren't transferred to New York though. BLUH.
Oh well.
He also says if I want to do something (like ballet) that I should go for it and he gives me a lot of support. I think a lot of the reason why I am doing so well at being independent and able to go do scary things in a scary place and not knowing where I am going sometimes is because he gives me a lot of confidence (OR he annoys the tar out of me and I am so frustrated I don't care HA HA)(Just kidding :) lol).
Either way, he is very nice to have around :)
IT IS ONLY TUESDAY AND ALREADY I HAVE SPENT ABOUT $50 for work that I need refunded.
I had a bit of an annoying day.
My boss Jen needed to take her son to a doctor's appointment at 12 and I had a lot to get done. For awhile no one could reach her so they were calling me and I had to pull off what I was doing to figure it out for them. Now I know how Jen feels!!! (In NO way was it her fault, I'm not saying she frustrated me).
I was at the office by myself till I left at 5 and I had to take my lunch at 4 because I had so much I needed to get together as far as billing and customer stuff and the like. It was hard because I still don't know everything about plumbing and there was a lot left out on some of the things I needed to enter in.
I also did a fabulous job writing a quote for my boss. That was the best thing I did today LOL.
Well Cocoa is whining. She has done TWO naughty pee's on the CARPET the last couple days which is NOT ok. I don't know why either! If she doesn't tell me she has to potty she usually goes on her puppy pads... UGH.
Well time to take out the dogs :)

1 comment:

  1. I love all the pictures of Cocoa. :) She is so cute. I wonder why she's peeing on the carpet? Do you think she smells out places where Ricky has had an accident in the past? I dunno anything about dogs, lol.
    Dahm is so right, you do need a keyboard! I bet you miss your music like crazy. At least you still have your flute, but it needs servicing, doesn't it? I'm glad Dahm is so supportive and taking good care of you. :) You are also doing a great job of taking care of him--and of two dogs--and of YOU. I'm so glad you like your job and your boss and I'm proud of you for learning so much about plumbing and how to be an office assistant so FAST. You're so smart! I love you honey.
