Thursday, May 15, 2014


I feel like I did this in school.... especially that one geology class that was just SO BORING, you could get your work done in five minutes and great have to sit there for an hour and a half. But she had a no hands under the table and no heads on your desk rule. That class taught me to rebel against being TOLD don't sleep in class. LOL I thought it was a given. But I had to snooze sitting up. Korry fell asleep on the desk once after being exhausted, not even bored like me, and the teacher slammed a book five inches from her face to wake her up. Rude! LOL jkjk but that class really was the worst.

1 comment:

  1. ROFL I love it! I never would have thought that telling someone they were tired was a compliment, or that someone sleeping on the job would be showing what a hard worker he/she is. :) That class was a nightmare, and what a pathetic teacher! If your students are falling asleep something is wrong, duh! You're boring! lol
