Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Doo Dee doo

#1 How much we have saved on electricity since moving in!! Can't wait to cash that out in August!!!!
#2 We found a southern restaurant with good grits! Yay :) Dahm had giant crab LOL but before we left he felt yucky. However, I think he was dehydrated - he had a drink the night before and drank a sugary drink at lunch and didn't have water until like 2 when we got home.
#3 I have been crafting something fierce!
#4 Cocoa wanted on the chair but then she was lonely and so she cried :p


  1. Wow! Now that's a bill to be happy about! And your dinner looks delicious. :) And Cocoa is crazy cute. I'm sad that Dahm wasn't able to just enjoy his dinner for long--did he feel better after he'd gotten hydrated again?

  2. Kinda! I had to drop him off at work later on, but he felt a little better. I qm pretty sure the next day he was ok, he called me before the submarine left and he sounded much better
