Saturday, August 26, 2017

I kept trying to post this, but it wouldn't work

But then i forget. Here are photos of me post surgery and my teeth. Yay!
First 3 are the day of. Then each of the other photos are the days after while i was still swollen. The socks in the fourth picture are holding bags of frozen chicken broth against my poor, swollen face.
The last teeth photos show my bottom teeth before braces and the already marked improvement that is visible today. I have spacers (little coils of wire) on the top two gaps and one on my bottom right gap. And the tooth that is next to my bottom left gap is being pushed by a spring so a bracket can be put on the tooth it was overlapping. It was weird to have one tooth move completely crazy, but I know the orthodontist knows his job better than I do lol.
I had a surgery post-op appointment a week after surgery and everything is healing nicely. They gave me a thing to wash out the back of my mouth, but until like yesterday, when I investigated further, i didn't know that the holes were still partially open. It is REALLY hard to see them, they're closer to my cheeks than my teeth, and they're pretty small. I thought the stitches closed them up all the way, but no! But at least now I can rinse more accurately.
It is weird having them out. There was always more of a ridge behind my molars, even before the teeth grew far enough in to be taken out. So now a lot of that is gone. And my mouth feels different not only structurally, but texturally as well because of the way I was stitched back together. The gaps are odd as well. The bottom ones are healing much faster than the top ones, and they just have tiny little holes where the teeth used to be.
But the rest of my mouth really does feel better (aside from the absolute weirdness of my teeth moving again from this last adjustment). My braces were pushing my other teeth into the ones that were supposed to get taken out. I wish I could've scheduled the surgery sooner, but they're busy people I guess. It worked out. I got my braces adjusted the monday after the surgery; the orthodontist said it was great because the jaw bone hadn't had enough time to heal and the teeth would be able to move much easier because of that. He said it was perfect timing. So yay me. That was the day I was a vomit comet though, so the appointment took a bit longer than usual because I had to keep taking breaks. But everything has been uphill since then.

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