Thursday, April 30, 2015

Today in the Life of Hailey

Well, Dahmahnic left Tuesday. He was supposed to get time off that morning, but the jerks who were relieving him decided to make him wait an additional two hours off the top of his shift, so instead of having two or so hours with me, we only had time to go to the uniform shop for something and to go home for me to change out of my PJ's. So that made me really mad. They had a bbq on the pier for all the families and some veterans cooked and served us all. It was really touching, but they all skedaddled before I could go thank them. I don't know why I didn't think, but for some reason I didn't think that I would need SUNSCREEN for the few hours that I spent on the pier with Sam waiting for the boat to cast off. YOUCH. I was wearing a v-neck t-shirt, so I have a V of pain around my neck. My arms didn't do much better, but they were a little tanner so they didn't get burned as bad. I was glad at the end of the day that I decided to wear PANTS, which were hot at the time, because I think they saved me from a mega burn. Dahm had to go on the boat pretty soon after we ate, but since he was standing electrical operator, I got to see him on top of the submarine as they disconnected shore power. I think he was surprised to see me there still, most of the other wives left after the guys got on the boat. It was nice though.
So I went to Ala Moana yesterday with Sam so we could go to Lush. I covered up pretty well so my burns wouldn't get more irritated, even though that meant I had to wear a scarf in 85 degree weather XD. We had a pretty good day, I think it was good for both of us to get out of the house for awhile, and I probably won't see her soon because her parents came to stay with her for a month.
Here are some pictures of Dahm's sub. Love you all

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