Sunday, February 22, 2015

Nothing fun to report

After one day of rice being 2/3 of Ricky's diet, he stopped having diarrhea so that has helped me out as far as getting more sleep. And Dahm made a huge fuss about it because he was a turd, geez like I haven't already spent hours researching how to help him when it happened last time. UGH. haha.
Yesterday we went to bellows beach with Nikki and Matt and we went kayaking and stuff and it was pretty fun. Today Dahm has duty so that's pretty lame, just considering. I'll have to tell you more later :p Hopefully he gets off work early tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. No one ever told me that a dog might need to eat a mostly-rice diet in order to have a settled tummy. It's like he's one of Ash's Pokemon! Rice balls, anyone? I'm glad he has finally stopped having doggie dysentary and that you were able to go have some fun with your friends. :)
    Hugs, Mom
