Wednesday, December 10, 2014


So the other night I was apparently SUPER ULTRA sleepy but I wasn't aware of it and it was only 9 ish at night. It was the kind where you get all giggly about everything, and it didn't help that I was reading a bunch of funny photo stories on my phone while Dahm was playing video games. He was quite amused. Well that night Ricky decided to eat his breakfast at like 4 pm, even though it had been in his bowl all day. Do you remember in the movie Corpse Bride, where the groom was rehearsing his vows in front of the two families? Right at the beginning? Well I was filling up his food bowl before I got myself a snackie, and while I was pouring it into his bowl I dropped a few pieces. Out of nowhere, I said "OH nO she dropped the FOOD!" in the EXACT same way the Mother Everglott said "oh no he dropped the ring!" and I could NOT stop laughing and it didn't help that Dahm had no idea what I'd meant, but that did not stop me laughing LOL. I couldn't stop laughing even while I was eating my cereal, and dahmahnic couldn't stop chuckling to himself about me. That's when I realized that I must be super ultra mega tired and that I should PROBABLY get some sleep hahaha :) I know, boring story, but I still giggle about it even now.

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