Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Today's conflict between adult brain and my inner child....
-What's wrong with snails? All they do is snail around. And they're cool looking.
...They're an invasive species. They eat plants. They're slimy and will kill my plants. I'll put salt around the garden.
-But they're snails. You can just pick them up and throw them over the fence.
...But they won't get in at all if put salt around the garden.
- Who are you kidding? You've only shrivelled up slugs once and you were so guilty about it. Snails are just snails.

So for now I'm just chucking them over the fence.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, it's letting me post comments again! I do understand the conflict. I've experienced it myself--even with weeds. I like bindweed, the birds love the seeds, it grows fast, it isn't THAT hard to train up a vine, etc. lol
    Love, Mom
