Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Freedom of speech

I saw someone get mad at a news website for removing their comments from a video they put up, calling it a violation of their freedom of speech. Please. Please educate yourself. Although the public is allowed to access websites, they are still privately owned and paid for. UNDERNEATH the comment box or when you sign up for a free account, you agree to follow the rules the owner made. You legally agreed, without even reading their terms and conditions, to not say or do anything on their site, that they own, that they don't want. It's an exchange. You get to see this stuff for free if you don't do what they don't want. Saying they violated your freedom of speech by managing THEIR site that they PAY who knows how much to maintain, is ridiculous. For example, it's like putting a sign on someone else's home and when they take it down saying it violates your freedom of press. THEY own the house. NOT you. Geez. If you're going to use the constitution as an argument, please, first read the constitution.

Rant over.

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