Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lately Zombies...

There have been a lot of things i have wanted to write about with pictures and all but i have been too tired or lazy or something to do so.
I have finally gotten the hang of texting with both thumbs super fast on my phone. Dahm hates my phones keyboard not only because it is in a different shape but because it doesnt have auto correct. Eh i dont care, my fingers are usually too cold for the conventional touch screens but this one is a combo that uses more pressure than heat so it works for me :).

Dahm was off tuesday and we had a delightful night. We went to sesame burger (which has gf udi buns) and then we went and saw world war z at the theatre. Ok i do not get out much, when i reviewed the movie i went - pg13 ok, disease family actor etc ok sounds good to watch. Its a non gory zombie movie. And not scary like some pg13 movies can be. If you can stand to suspend reality to zombies then it actually has a pretty good plot line.
However, I have a rough time with zombies, religiously and scientifically.
Firstly. Rigor mortis. LITERALLY sets in the minute a creature dies. Within 15 minutes the body has very limited movement and it is nearly impossible to reposition without some assistance. Zombies would NOT be able to smell you. Respitory functions are impossible without brain synapses. And so is muscle movement. Blood coagulates, it doesnt flow around on its own. Oxygen is essentially what makes muscles move. Zombies. Dont. Breathe. Thats why you cant poison them with gas or choke them or anything that would be stupid in a zombie movie. Bodies need FUEL to work. Zombies dont have to have stomaches, rendering that null and void.
"But Hailey!" Producers say. "What about a disease?" Rabies makes you not have human reasoning and ideals and literally kills the parts of your brain that make you alive till you die. VOID. If a bacterial or viral disease kills the part of your mind that makes you a person, then it also has to kill all your human instincts and ideals. It wouldnt discriminate between what to eat, dirt, dead things, other zombies. Heck how would they understand what food is? They wouldnt. I havent even begun with eyeballs. No smell or vision, limited if any movement assuming we suspend the facts of the circulatory system. Zombies would be easy to "kill" and even easier to avoid. Besides. Mother nature kills things, she doesnt resurrect them.
Suck it zombie.
Sorry i have been kinda sick of zombie everything lately. Rant complete.

1 comment:

  1. Zombies don't work for me, either. I guarantee that once circulation stops, there would not be any brain cells functioning after the first fifteen minutes; most would be dead by five. (It's hard to keep them alive in a "dead" body even with full life support!) And it does take nerve impulses to move muscles, they don't move on their own, and those come from the brain, by golly. Not to mention how rapidly the body cells themselves die! And dead cells can't perform any function at all. The human body is a marvel of divine engineering but only works if it is---um---alive. Yeah. Suck it, zombie. The only "zombies" I believe in were the poor guys who were enslaved in Haiti and the West Indies, doped to the gills with dangerous drugs and forced to work until they died or were rescued. And the ones who came later who were deliberately brain-damaged by curare-containing compounds (yeah, easy to see where they got the idea) to serve as acquiescent free labor for the voodoo practitioners. The whole idea is repugnant and very, very sad. There's no entertainment value in the idea of zombies, IMO, and never was. Move on, people, right?
