Friday, June 19, 2015

Hiya Hey!

Hey there! I was planning to write a blog post long before this BUT! I had gotten my nails done and it was nearly impossible to type with them on! I removed them around the two week mark, even though the man who did my nails did an amazing, incredible job that I loved. At that point, I started accidentally hurting my fingers pretty badly so I knew it was time for it to be finished. LOL. I don't like paying people to remove stuff for me, but I messed up on one nail and it tore some of the soft nail beneath it off. After a couple days now my finger feels much better though :)
So I've just been working on packaging my products, making them, and designing a logo, labels, and table design. I am going to try and have everything done by the end of this month (as far as stock and packaging, and only if the stuff I ordered from Amazon gets here in time), and my goal is to try and get into craft fairs by the middle of July. So next month I'm going to make a couple simple crochet items, set up an Instagram, Facebook, and Etsy page, and get my GE license so I can legally sell my items in Hawaii. It's going really well and I have a bunch of stuff already that is great! :) It's pretty exciting.
I've been hanging out with the sister missionaries lately, they take me with them sometimes to go talk to investigators they have. Honestly, I've been much happier lately. Everything feels like it's back on track for me. I'm stable here at the moment and the dogs and I are pretty happy. I also have been hanging out with my friend Sam, we had a game night at her house awhile ago for her birthday and she had a couple people from work over and they were pretty nice and funny! We went to Ala Moana today so we could go to Barnes & Noble, and then we got some yummy gelato (she got a smoothie, I got Macadamia Nut and Hawaiian Salt Caramel, yes, Salt Caramel. Not salted. Just salt.) It was a pretty good day! I also dropped by Party City on the way back for some small boxes. I also found some tiny spoons and some ABSOLUTELY adorable, tiny heart shaped containers for some more crafts! AAAAH so cute! (I'll have to upload pictures from my phone)
There is a letter drop going out to the guys at their next port and I came up with a brilliant idea on what to send (and I let Sam steal it because I'm nice, but it was totally my awesome idea). So today/tomorrow (it's past 12 pm now) (oops) we're going to the mall and taking photos in those photostrip booths and I'm going to spell out Dahm with one letter in each photo! (and maybe do another one with a message or something) BRILLIANT :) hehe yay me. It has been a very creative month for me LOL.
AH! and there is a free concert Saturday night on base and I'm TOTALLY going!
I've had some issues with energy lately, but I'm trying to get on a good sleep schedule (oops again) and to eat more veggies and fruit. I've also been trying to spend more time outside and I've been consistently taking vitamins :)
The dogs are good, I'm getting their shots done this Saturday! And I'm also going to make a pie for the church for Father's day. I'm still making part of Dad's gift, but I'm sending out the card today so it may get there the day after... But I'll still call!! <3
I have been thinking lately about how I've been hoping this deployment will be good for Dahmahnic and how it should be good for me. All I know from thinking lately is that I can't control who he is when he comes back, but I can control who I am and I know I want to be the best me I can be, for ME. We'll just have to see where it all goes from there I guess, if he is willing to be the best person he can be then everything should be fine. It'd help if he'd send me an email once in awhile, but like I said, I can't control his actions and I don't want to. I'm just going to do me and not be apologetic for having a good time now or for being me. That is all. (lol)
I love you guys :) I'll make sure to get pictures of everything and upload them soon. I'm pretty excited for everything and I cannot wait to make it all!

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic letter! It's 11 pm right now so my brain is fried but I want to talk to you about everything you've written and I am so proud of your choices. I bet Karen would be too. I love you beyond all reason, my creative, clever, talented, beautiful, insightful, intelligent girl!
    Hugs, Mom
