Saturday, April 19, 2014

Poor Dahm!

GOSH DARN IT LOL this blog keeps accidentally getting shut off and instead of saving the big post I've been typing that I see a flash of when reopening the app, it disappears. So here we go. Dahmahnic is exhausted. The night before last, he was on duty and got only about two hours of sleep. And although he got around ten hours last night, he still slept through his alarm.
Well after dinner we were watching tv, sitting up mind you, and I get up to use the restroom and his arm just flopped onto the couch. I tried everything I could think of (short of an ice bath) to wake the guy up and get him to bed but nothing worked! Last I checked, the poor guy was still sitting with his feet up, leaning slightly to the left. LOL I hope he gets comfy or at least wakes up and comes to bed! I have a feeling that if I woke him up now he'd be super angry, because he is so utterly exhausted. He must be catching up on some sleep cycles or repaying a sleep debt haha. I'm pretty sure he's in delta sleep right now, because absolutely NOTHING I tried got a response out of him, even when I accidentally slammed a door LOL. Poor dude, good thing he doesn't have work tomorrow (for once!!).
So either he's REALLY good at faking me out, or he's just THAT tired.. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear poor Dahm, those long shifts must be getting to him! I'm glad he doesn't have to work today so he can get some rest. And I also hope he doesn't have a crick in his neck from sleeping upright on the couch! Poor guy.
