Tuesday, April 30, 2013
He brings out a lot of good things in me and always encourages me to do things I don't always have the motivation for.
For instance, he tells me the other day I needed to get a keyboard so I could start playing piano again.
I hadn't even thought about that. But because of him I am searching piano teachers in Summerville so I could go after work.
He is really nice to people I don't like as much too. He has this "friend" who is kind of a jerk who I always give a hard time, but he watches out for him and makes sure he is ok. This guy's girlfriend broke up with him last night so he invites him to dinner at my house so his cruddy day might get better. Of course, I was ticked off because I needed to clean and I didn't get to, but Dahm is a good friend and we were having tacos anyway, so not too big of a deal. I do wish that all of his nice friends weren't transferred to New York though. BLUH.
Oh well.
He also says if I want to do something (like ballet) that I should go for it and he gives me a lot of support. I think a lot of the reason why I am doing so well at being independent and able to go do scary things in a scary place and not knowing where I am going sometimes is because he gives me a lot of confidence (OR he annoys the tar out of me and I am so frustrated I don't care HA HA)(Just kidding :) lol).
Either way, he is very nice to have around :)
IT IS ONLY TUESDAY AND ALREADY I HAVE SPENT ABOUT $50 for work that I need refunded.
I had a bit of an annoying day.
My boss Jen needed to take her son to a doctor's appointment at 12 and I had a lot to get done. For awhile no one could reach her so they were calling me and I had to pull off what I was doing to figure it out for them. Now I know how Jen feels!!! (In NO way was it her fault, I'm not saying she frustrated me).
I was at the office by myself till I left at 5 and I had to take my lunch at 4 because I had so much I needed to get together as far as billing and customer stuff and the like. It was hard because I still don't know everything about plumbing and there was a lot left out on some of the things I needed to enter in.
I also did a fabulous job writing a quote for my boss. That was the best thing I did today LOL.
Well Cocoa is whining. She has done TWO naughty pee's on the CARPET the last couple days which is NOT ok. I don't know why either! If she doesn't tell me she has to potty she usually goes on her puppy pads... UGH.
Well time to take out the dogs :)
Ricky, The Brat.
Ricky. Is. Not. A. Good. Friend.
He BROKE OUT of his kennel last night and ripped up another pillow.
He is a brat.
Cocoa is adorable, and smaller than a cat.
Ricky is a turd.
Monday, April 29, 2013
I dont talk enough about Cocoa. So here is some Cocoa
She takes a mouthful of food from her bowl every time she eats and carries it away, drops them, then eats each piece one by one. Haha. She is so funny :)
Being buried is her favorite :)
I usually put her disney princess blankie over her kennel at night to help her sleep.
She is smaller than cats.
She likes stealing Rickys bone
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The War on Bugs.. The Empire Strikes back...
Well it has happened.
Winter is over.
The bugs have attacked first and rekindled my hatred and begun our battle once more.
I had to remove a tick from Ricky.
Luckily, YW's told me all about my options. The #$%&# did NOT want to let go.
It took much screaming and wailing and gnashing of teeth to get Ricky to hold still. And apparently dogs wont hold still for matches next to them either. Or Hydrogen peroxide to get the @#%#@%%@%@&@@&%# to let go.
So did these logical options work?
They did not.
Ricky does not believe in "still".
He believes in "hey mom why you rolling me? Play? Wait. What? *thrash claw kick* MooooOooooom!"
Like i said. Much gnashing of teeth.
So i had to get the intruder *explicative* tick off the hard way.
Grabbing it by the head with tweezers.
By this time the black @#$$@&@! was red full from his lunch of dog.
He did not want to let go.
Ricky is tasty.
And Ricky said "hey mom! Thrash! Ow! Lemme go!"
I screamed.
I am not proud of it.
I pulled that sucker off my dog with its head still attached to its body, the proper way. The difficult way.
Then i bathed both dogs.
Ricky has a bump near where it was so I am going to take him to the vet and see if that was a tick Ricky decided to remove himself.
But yeah.
And i flushed that @&$2%28@.
He is in tick hell now.
No ticks go to heaven.
Just dogs.
Cute photos

Saturday, April 27, 2013
Ricky and the park.

And So It Begins
It was a long drive there, but it wasn't nearly as bad as driving to WY so I didn't mind :)
When we got there, they were holding it in this high school area, and we got a really good parking space.
We had to leave Ricky and Cocoa home, but our neighbor Britta watched them for us. I set up a box with their food and leashes and left it on the table so she could find it easily. I was sad to leave them behind, but hey, it would've sucked to take Ricky!! He would be hyper and peeing inside the gym. So I guess it worked out. First thing, D went and weighed in. He had pre-registered online so all he had to do was sign a waiver.
After that we got to go eat at IHOP. Funny thing, we ended up going to the exact same one we went to several months ago for his other Judo tournament!!! Best omelette I have EVER eated :)
Well D won his first match, and it was a rough one too!
Since it was an open competition they had him compete against a black belt and a soon to be black belt! He signed up to not be in an open competition, meaning he was supposed to duel or "randoori" with people in his own belt range but they had him in with everyone. Those last two matches went by really fast, but what do they expect?? That's not something he would pay for, to get thrown by people much more experienced than he is! But they turned it into an open competition because not enough people signed up. Because of that he didn't place, which is really stinky to me, but we had a good time anyway!
I got new shoes yesterday! So today I wore them with my new pants too and I felt very stylin'.
I got two pairs too because it was buy one get one half off at Shoe Carnival.
My boss put $20 in my paycheck envelope with a note that said she was greatful for all my work and it was for my new shoes.
I ONLY SPENT LIKE $40 because of all the sales!!! I was pretty excited.
I'm silly like that.
D asked me if I would like to drive his new car for awhile and I ended up driving it all the way home! Long drive! But guess what? We only had to fill up once and it was a four hour trip both ways! It drove very smoothly too, it was lots of fun.
D and I are watching the Lost series on Netflix and we have like 15 episodes left. It's a mind freak!
It's super crazy.
Well I am getting bored of writing. So, SIGNING OFF :)