The Fitbit and Pokemon Go

Dahm and I bought each other fitbits for our dating anniversary this year and they have really been great to motivate me to walk and work out more and eat healthier. Since we bought them 12 days ago, I have walked 34.14 MILES! In 12 days! Before I wasn't walking nearly as much. It vibrates to remind me to get up and move if I stay still too long, and I can set goals on it and use my phone to log basically everything with my health. Plus it is a watch haha, so instead of going into my phone and logging everything myself, the fitbit keeps track of everything except my heart rate, blood oxygen content, and stress levels, which my phone does :). It really has helped Dahm and I prioritize walking together, which I have always liked. Pokemon Go helps too haha :) for the last two Saturdays, we went to seattle on the ferry and we walked 8 miles each time. The first time my legs and feet were really sore and stiff and the next day it felt like I had shin splints. But today I woke up feeling great, minus a tiny blister I got from a rock sticking in my shoe. We have also been going to parks and new places. It has been pretty cool, and I wasn't sure how well it would work for me, but it actually has been working really well and has been getting Dahm and I out walking and talking nearly every day, which is much better than being bored at home and getting on each other's nerves haha. I wish we could take ricky but it's still way way way too much for him to handle.
I've been planning on writing more often now but it seems like I always forget or lose track of time. I'll try to do better!

PS these are all my pokemon. I need to evolve a few, but I'm waiting to get more and use a lucky egg so I'll get 2x experience points :)