Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Uh cool!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It takes the fun out of funky

So dahmahnics mom keeps sending us stupid stupid crap. She always has sent us crap, but it's been extra crappy lately. For his birthday she sent him a book about cults and it was covered in crazy symbols and everything. And with it she sent an anniversary present, an obscure book with a study guide that was called something like "God and his role in your marriage." And we got another package for Christmas which rattled a lot, and one corner was broken in do we could see that SHE LITERALLY FILLED IT WITH NASTY BUTTERED POPCORN and a drift wood hanging "art" piece that had weird metal trees and a buck jumping. And also, she sends slices of a tree to us each year and writes on them with sharpie (literally!) the year and our names and happy holidays. The first two had my name spelled wrong and one of them broke! She drills a hole and puts a leather string through it as a hanger.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

SOOOO ummm

I didn't notice this because I never use my old email.. Well happy birthday again Jack, from Gamestop! hahah.

Friday, November 14, 2014

I have a lot to write about, but for now... music theory.

So I was thinking about the song "the summer of 69." It's one of my favorites and I've been listening to it on my playlist. I've also been watching old tv shows and movies, haha. There's a lot i realize now about what the song could be that I didn't see before.
He says, "I knew that it was now or never" and where I thought he was just being an anxious, crude teen fresh out of highschool, I realize he was actually literally meaning he had to profess his feelings for this girl, otherwise he might not get the chance. She said she'd wait for him forever, another hint.
There was a draft for the Vietnam war in 1969. He probably thought if he hadn't already been drafted, that he would be. And if he had, he knew after summer was over he'd be going to war.
His friend Joey got married that summer. I know people got married slightly younger at that age, but only a few months after graduating? I think his friend was going to war too.
Of course those would be the best days of his life. After that he'd be emotionally and physically scarred from war in Vietnam.
Dang. This song has the potential to be extremely deep and I didn't even know.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I think you'll like this!

This is INCREDIBLE! I think if MJ was still alive that he'd love this awesome dance tribute to his song "Beat it." I know you like cool things like this mom, just like I do :)