Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mom goggles

So there's a show I watch on hulu called the goldbergs. It's VERY funny, but my favorite part of the whole series is the mom and her "mom goggles." I have a YouTube video you can watch of the act the son performs for his parents after he decides to try out for the talent show. Here's a clip from hulu for the first part,
The quality on the YouTube video is really bad, but you'll get the gist of it. It's hilarious and I love it!

Friday, September 26, 2014


Yeah... I'm just gonna leave these here Hahahaha

Sooooooooooo :)

Gosh dang it I accidentally touched the home button and this app erased all of what I had just said.
So, Dahmahnic was sent out this week on Wednesday, and he also had a major board review that is necessary for all crew members to take in order to be qualified submariners that day as well. He was really nervous, because a friend of his who he thinks is very smart did not pass his board. I however, knew better than that. I got an email this morning that said not only did he pass his boards, one of the Chiefs doing the certification said that it was one of the best reviews he had ever done. So now he is official haha :) yay Dahm!

Some fun things

Garden snail
Doggie beds
The stupid frames Dahm's mom sent "us". I made them so I liked them.
Tablet holder I am making for the kitchen :)
I made Ricky wear a hat, in return he got to destroy the hat ;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Some dude who looked like dad.

I saw a guy at the Nex who looked a LOT like dad from behind, and I asked Dahm, "Do you think it'd be weird if I went up to him and said he looked like my dad, can I have a hug??" LOL. Made me tear up a bit. I didn't, because that'd be really weird and I'm a grown up haha

Friday, September 12, 2014

This is also a story I never heard until today.

This made me cry, but in a good way. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. What happened was catastrophic, but the efforts to help were miraculous to say the least.

Our homemade anniversary meal :)

Stuffed mushrooms
Grilled steak and potatoes and corn on the cob
Flourless chocolate torte with whipped cream and raspberry coulis :)
It was extremely delicious and entirely made from scratch :)
(The chocolate torte I got from my recipe book by the take home chef :) )

Sweetest thing I've seen yesterday

As far as the 9/11 attacks, I never saw this response of aid till now. This is touching.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Picture taken by a photographer here in Hawaii XD

Now you can make your own Poop

Poop candy wrappers, for those of us who live invader zim :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

This is too cool.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Table project part 1

Stripped one coat of stain off, came off ridiculously easy using Citristrip which is safe to use indoors. Wouldn't have had to do it multiple times, but I didn't want to wait very long either time.

Second strip before drying off completely. Will put more photos tomorrow of it completely dry and sanded as well.
Also will show you my projectors. Fun stuff :)

I cannot sleep. How I hate the night.

Lol I just wanted to add that little quote, night is ok, I'm just very bored and awake.
It is nearly midnight! I am not tired! Dahmahnic woke me up early when he got up. I love not having to be the one to drive him to work now, although I didn't usually mind it, but sometimes it's still hard to get back to sleep after waking up all the way.
We spent so. Much. Money. This weekend. $1800 for the truck (well spent in my opinion :) )
$445 for a welder and equipment.
$400 for a generator to power the welder.
Miscellaneous food.
Home depot crap ($25?)
Some money to get my ring fixed (a tiny diamond fell out $60 to replace)
And the remaining supplies I needed for the piano (a mere $45)
We are not broke, but we should be acting like it. Dahmahnic wanted to go scuba diving this weekend. Hailey said HECK NO. Too expensive right now. No moneys to do that. Wait till next payday. Need food for life support. Sorry.
On the plus side, I'm starting a new amazing project inspired by a blog I found from Pinterest called sawdust and embryos. I'll make another post to show you.
I made a projector with a phone, shoebox, and two magnifying glasses because I science. Can make the picture clear, but not as big as I need it to be! Unfortunately, too dark to take pictures :(
Making a projector like an overhead projector tomorrow so I can make a bigger picture to trace off of.
Hmm what else...
It only cost $10 extra for us to switch over the title and registration to our name, no extra taxes because it was all done by military people. I adore the truck, but I haven't had a chance to drive it yet -.-
Working on living room empty wall space tomorrow, table, and maybe piano because dahmahnic will be on duty. The butthead has been promising to help me move it all to the garage, but hasn't yet.
I cannot wait until we have a different house. I mean, I want to live here and I love it, but this house is a weird shape and a little small for everything I want to do with it, and I am not allowed or able to have things I'd like. Luckily we have a garage unlike a lot of neighborhoods. I don't know what I'd ever do without it. We thought about moving into another house that's bigger, but the cost to move yourself and the time it'd take to move would make it not worth much. And I've put a lot of work into this house. I just hope no one moves i into the house next door LOL it's been nice not having neighbors.
Oh! I got a haircut :) I'll have to put pictures of that up too. It's nice, I have super long bangs again hahaha :) it's really pretty when styled. I had to wash my hair out when I got home because the combo of the hair product scent and my sunscreen made a smell that reminded me of a sickly sweet smell that meant something gross from my childhood - it probably wouldn't have been so bad if I could remember what the smell was, but all I could remember was THAT smell was bad news.
I ordered Jack's present, but I don't know when it will get there since I just got the link today!
Dahmahnic has a tentative re enlistment date for the day before my birthday! Yay not too long :)
There's a community pool by my house, I think I'm going to start swimming there a lot since it's only two blocks away.
Dahms mom wants to visit in January/February but I don't want her to stay here because I don't want to have to entertain the lady while Dahm is at work. She doesn't like pets so I don't really want her here. I think she should stay at the navy lodge. Pretty place, nice stuff, if she wants to come by it's close. If she wanted to stay here, she should've been nicer to me. Maybe I'LL just stay at the navy lodge. Yay vacay LOL
Besides she's old and we only have air mattresses and a tiny room. Yep, no room for unwanted guests! What's crazy is she said she wanted to come after her trip to Philadelphia, said while she was there she might as well visit and make a loop over here while she's there. Uh woman, that's nowhere near Hawaii. Just saying. It's the opposite of near Hawaii.
Ugh trying not to be too mean on something public...
So hard.
I wish it was YOU visiting!
We actually have things in common. You're nice. We're related. It'd be lovely.
There are some crazy cheap flights sometimes on
Might be worth looking into! ;)
I also wish Richard and Jo could visit. That'd be awesome. I'd love showing them all the cool things here.
Things that are lame about Hawaii:
No fireworks.
You have to get a permit to go camping, buy things, sell things, and breathing. I wish I was kidding. The state is greedy and wants it's cut of everything. It's like the mob.
It's far away from family.
No road trips.
Milk can cost over $7/gallon
Gas is expensive
Shipping is a nightmare
No one can come visit.
Tons of homeless people, some are "career" homeless, others have no choice, and there are a LOT of homeless families.
Houses are small and ridiculously expensive. Traffic is a unexplainably bad.

Yet it's still a great place most the time. It has millions of things to do and explore despite being so small.
Well I think I'm tired enough to sleep now.. lol I love you all