Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I love this :)

I need to have one of these LOL

The cutest thing that the world has ever seen.

Oh my gosh. The cutest thing in the world happened the other night. Cocoa found the foldy box I keep her clothes in. She got so excited I pulled it down for her to smell, and she wouldn't stop freaking out until I dumped her clothes on the ground. Guys. I played dress up with my Chihuahua. She picked out three different outfits (of like twelve) for me to put on her, one by one. Then she decided to sit in my lap for ten minutes in her final outfit, giving me kisses for at least a full minute. She then grabbed her babies (toys), hopped into bed, and pulled her blanket over herself. Dang, I wish my life was documented, because that was the doggone cutest thing that's ever happened.
She then groomed her babies for the rest of the evening.

Monday, July 14, 2014

I may have found an answer

Check out this website for mobile hotspots. I think it will work in grandpa's area. $15/week,.or $25/month, like a tracfone you pay in advance. Might be the way to go!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What a weirdo

Sleeping with her face on the ground lol she's ridiculous

We rode....

On top of dahmahnics submarine!! Called the bridge. Pretty cool!! Lots of fun, had to wear safety harnesses :o

Ricky the jerk

I call him the jerk because of how he acted at the vet today. Lol. He decided he needed to sit in my lap when I brought Dahm home LOL. I cradled him like a baby for awhile too and he was fine with that LOL. He was actually surprisingly good when I held him, no crazy that he had in the morning. He also lost weight! He's now only 50 lbs again. Cocoa gained half a pound, so it's diet and walkies time lol

Monday, July 7, 2014

Someone incredible to check out

His name is Sir Nicholas Winton, he helped 669 Czech Jewish children escape to Britain,  and he was originally on vacation. He's still alive and kicking at 105, making homes he doesn't live in for the elderly :)

Mom! I've been meaning to tell you!

Austin Byers, the one you live so much for being nice to Jack and encouraging him in chess, he now works at Google (or is doing some sort of internship with them?)! He asked them if he could dye his hair and I am posting a picture of their response.
He's been doing really well! It does my heart good to see all the stuff he posts. I think he found a niche that's perfect for him :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The fourth of July :)

Three doors down and a few of the half hour of fireworks :)
It was a pretty good time. Dahm and I had a lot of fun, and the band was surprisingly good live, they even played a few new songs they haven't released yet! There was a huge area where kids could play on rides, tons of inflatables, spray on tattoos, and a petting zoo, all for free! In fact, everything was free except food and drinks - pizza hut was giving away free pizza, but that's about it. It was a pretty good time. Hope you guys had just as good of a day!
Fun fact:
Commercial fireworks (ie sparklers, bottle rockets, screamers, snakes, smoke bombs) are illegal in Hawaii! You have to have to buy a $25 permit a few days beforehand, and the only thing you can buy is 5000 firecrackers. That's it! Talk about baloney. Seriously, even sparklers????
Yep. Surprised the firework show was that good! I'm pretty sure they launched it off one of the ships, dahmahnic thinks it was probably the Ronald Reagan. Anyway, it's my bed time. I love you!!