Monday, June 30, 2014

Edited photos

These have more light, but they're the same photos. :)

The outside of Dahm's Boat

After the Dependent's Cruise yesterday :) Dahm has photos of the two of us on his phone, but he's not home yet

Photos of Pearl Harbor for Richard

On the boat ride back from dahms boat I thought Richard might like to see some of this :)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Mona Lisa

You've probably seen this, but I just learned the story behind it. The one on the right was most likely painted by Da Vinci's student. It has been in a private gallery for years, because everyone thought it was a replica made after Leonardo's death. It was coated with a thick black paint and varnish, but recently they realized that it had a LOT more underneath the black background, and after they restored it they realized it wasn't a bad copy of Da Vinci, it was a whole other painting! It was likely painted at the SAME time Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, but it's a LOT bigger than Da Vinci's! They also think that (partially based on this one) Leonardo's painting has actually worn down quite a bit over the years, you can see in the student's work that she had thin eyebrows that she probably plucked herself haha. Reminds me of those latina women who draw theirs on... They've been able to learn a lot about Da Vinci through the discovery of this work!
I wonder if the student wanted to make his rendition dark because he was ashamed of his work compared to his master's? Or if he did this to make it more his own? Or after Leonardo died? Or if someone else did it??? Pretty cool that something as amazing as this was treasured and preserved - I can't imagine how many works of beautiful art no one ever got to see. (The angels probably keep copies, it's too sad to think of otherwise. Lol)
Love you :)

Friday, June 27, 2014

For Jack

Because we both hate Lorde


You put these stretchy guys over your camera lense to entertain babies and stuff :) made them for a friend here in Hawaii :)

House semi-aquatic lizard.

A couple weeks ago and last week. Ricky kept whining at the ceiling corner because he wanted the gecko to come back down from the entry way so he could play with it. Hahaha

Doggy makeup

Cocoa wishes there was doggy lipgloss. Every time I wear it she tries to kiss it off haha. And now she wants to steal it hahaha

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I forgot to tell y'all about this...
So we were up on north shore, the one with the cute food trucks and the small villagey feel. There were chickens, tiny little chickie chickens. I just looked and went, oh Dahm look, wild chickens! Then I gasped and went, "free range chickens..." but dahmahnic isn't dad so he had no idea why I thought it was hilarious.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Freedom of speech

I saw someone get mad at a news website for removing their comments from a video they put up, calling it a violation of their freedom of speech. Please. Please educate yourself. Although the public is allowed to access websites, they are still privately owned and paid for. UNDERNEATH the comment box or when you sign up for a free account, you agree to follow the rules the owner made. You legally agreed, without even reading their terms and conditions, to not say or do anything on their site, that they own, that they don't want. It's an exchange. You get to see this stuff for free if you don't do what they don't want. Saying they violated your freedom of speech by managing THEIR site that they PAY who knows how much to maintain, is ridiculous. For example, it's like putting a sign on someone else's home and when they take it down saying it violates your freedom of press. THEY own the house. NOT you. Geez. If you're going to use the constitution as an argument, please, first read the constitution.

Rant over.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The toad!

As big as your hand!

Adventures with Ricky

Ok. First picture. I threw the ball for Ricky, it bounced on the floor, onto the counter, then up to the breakfast bar, landing perfectly and making Ricky very upset. I kid you not!! It was so cool!!

Third photo, Ricky got into a TINY bit of mud and managed to cover himself up to his chest in mud!! AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. He was so nasty! He was so lucky I wasn't mean or I'd have made him sleep outside!!

Fourth, my neighbor gave me this bed because her family is moving! When I put it inside, both the dogs wouldn't get out of it!
Fifth, Ricky Bob is snug as a bug, smiling in his sleep in his new bed.
Lastly, Ricky and cocoa enjoying the sunshine :)

Friday, June 20, 2014

YEP, we were right!

These guys are great! They responded to my questions within TEN MINUTES of my asking, probably because they were worried I'd be silly enough to go meet a complete stranger somewhere. Love you!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Pedicures with Nikki

Mine are the cuter ones on my feet ;)