Friday, May 30, 2014

Because I know this will make you and dad laugh

Spam and eggs ;) I left the bacon, sausage, and spam in the fridge this time ;)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

This.... X(

This photo will forever join my list of worst pregnancy photos ever.....

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Been doin crafts...

The first one is the scuba bag I bought for dahm and put his name on :)

The backwards one says the nocera family
Tmnt hat and Minnie hat :)

Work in progress photo wall :)

Monday, May 26, 2014

You know what's sad,

Wars are started by old men who have power, but they're paid for by the young men with futures.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Ricky thinks whenever I'm on the floor I need dog hugs and ear kisses. TRYING to take a picture of Cocoa while she is being adorable. AND THIS NONSENSE HAPPENS. Cute little butt head.


There's this cutesy little saying going around, especially with navy wives, "refuse to sink" and usually has a little anchor because that crap is nautical, apparently just like drowning is nautical. People even get tattoos like this.
My point?
Geez, they couldn't put a little picture of a life preserver, or even a happy little sail boat?
What. The. Crap.
People. They're stupid. And painfully ironic and they don't even know it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Doo Dee doo

#1 How much we have saved on electricity since moving in!! Can't wait to cash that out in August!!!!
#2 We found a southern restaurant with good grits! Yay :) Dahm had giant crab LOL but before we left he felt yucky. However, I think he was dehydrated - he had a drink the night before and drank a sugary drink at lunch and didn't have water until like 2 when we got home.
#3 I have been crafting something fierce!
#4 Cocoa wanted on the chair but then she was lonely and so she cried :p

Monday, May 19, 2014

I love this for your house!!!

So awesome!! I wonder how much it'd cost to get a print that size?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I have been crafting.....

:) yay free photo paper with ink... I know it's a ploy to buy more ink after using it all on photos but I don't care XD we bought color just for the heck of it after having to buy black

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cocoa decided she needed a hug

So she wiggled underneath Ricky's paw :)

Toyota corolla

The rental car.... dun dun DUUUUUUN!


I feel like I did this in school.... especially that one geology class that was just SO BORING, you could get your work done in five minutes and great have to sit there for an hour and a half. But she had a no hands under the table and no heads on your desk rule. That class taught me to rebel against being TOLD don't sleep in class. LOL I thought it was a given. But I had to snooze sitting up. Korry fell asleep on the desk once after being exhausted, not even bored like me, and the teacher slammed a book five inches from her face to wake her up. Rude! LOL jkjk but that class really was the worst.

Dogs again

Ricky has been sleeping on that chair since I cleaned it off and cocoa keeps begging to get up there with him so I put her up there lol. And also trained Ricky to wipe his paws before taking mud into the house. That's his dog bed I made for him real fast with the towel he used on the flight and some fabric you have me. He loves it LOL

Jamberry application using a blow dryer

OFFICIAL Jamberry Nails Application Video:

Jamberry nails application with rice bag :)

Jamberry "cold" application & "baggie method" tut…:

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Thursday, May 8, 2014


I guess it's colder inside than I thought XD

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

For mom's class

Holy crap

This blog has been on the web for over a year now, my first post was April 28, 2013

Fun stuff

For a Mary Kay gal back in Charleston, they're expecting their third son, and they are both firefighters. My idea to put their last name and their own unit number on the baby hat. Looks so good I'm so excited haha

Friday, May 2, 2014

Updated update

Perry surei have pink eye.  After the doctors office closed.  And they don't open to Monday. Yay. This week just keeps getting better.


So I have updates. 
Went to the doc after the accident, don't have strep but there is a virus going around. Got steroids and sudafed. If it doesnt go away, I have to get a referral for an ent to see if I have to get tonsils removed. Yuck.
So yeah. Ugh. Super lame.
Contesting the ticket I got for dahms car, sending them the new registration that we got today. I have literally been runnning around for 5 hours -.-
They got more info on the guy who said he was suicidal. Turns out he was. he was going to drive himself off a cliff,  but changed his mind and went to the hospital instead, which I'm really glad of, because now he can get the help he needs.
What I don't understand is he must have had a pre-existing condition so why did he join the navy? No one really randomly wants to die because of an easy job or living in hawaii for a few months. Did he just ignore it?because they wont take you if you've been treated for that, and idk why anyone would want to join the navy and be away from their family (if they have a good one) if they had depression or suicidal thoughts.
Well I'm just glad he can get better now.
Talk to you soon!

The damage...

My car and the other guys